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2023-04-05 10:37:46

来自英国伦敦尤斯伯恩出版公司的消息称,受人尊敬的创始人兼董事长皮特·尤斯伯恩爵士(Peter Usborne CBE)于2023年3月30日突然但安详离世,他的家人都陪伴在他身边。

Usborne in London UK announced that beloved founder and chairman, Peter Usborne CBE, passed away suddenly but peacefully on Thursday 30th March 2023. He was surrounded by his family.


Peter was, in the truest sense of the word, a genius, an exceptional publisher, an inspirational leader and a very kind, generous man who will be sorely missed by everyone who was lucky enough to know him.

在2023年3月30日的一份声明中,董事总经理——皮特的女儿妮可拉·尤斯伯恩 (Nicola Usborne) 说:


In a statement on 30th March 2023, Nicola Usborne, managing director and Peter’s daughter said :“I am heartbroken that my beloved dad died suddenly last night. We will miss him more than I can say. He was a brilliant, ever curious, ever enthusiastic man—who was also very kind, very generous and honourable and principled to his core. He was the best dad I could imagine.

 “他总是开玩笑说自己打算长生不老,我们也曾希望他的人生能有更长的岁月。令我们欣慰的是,直到生命的最后时刻,他都过着非常充实的生活。他很自豪最近在温莎城堡获得了‘英国司令勋章’(CBE),他享受在博洛尼亚童书展和尤斯伯恩50 周年庆典上与众多老客户一起度过的每一分钟,他对最近购买的小说感到非常兴奋。

He always joked that he intended never to die, and we all hoped he’d have many more years. We take some solace in the fact that he had such a very full life right up until the end. He was so proud to pick up his CBE recently at Windsor Castle; he loved every minute of the Bologna book fair and Usborne’s 50th anniversary party with so many long-standing customers; he was thrilled at a recent fiction buy.

“昨天,他在办公室度过了他的最后一天——与美国哈珀柯林斯出版公司(HarperCollins U.S.)召开了一整天的会议,讨论了令他非常兴奋的美国销售渠道拓展计划。像往常一样,他乘地铁来到他心爱的办公室。他过着他一直想要的生活。他从来不明白为什么有人想要退休,他如此享受自己的工作,从未有过退休的想法。

He spent his very last day yesterday in the office in a whole day meeting with HarperCollins U.S. that he was so excited by. He had travelled into his beloved office by tube—as he always did. He was living his life as he always wanted to. He never ever understood why anyone would want to retire, and he would have been so pleased that he never, even remotely, did. 


My dad was incredibly proud of everyone who works at Usborne, which includes many longstanding members of staff. He made clear that any award he was given was owed to all at Usborne and he read every book cover to cover.


My dad, Peter Usborne, always said that he’d had the absolutely best life, and that publishing for children for 50 years was the greatest privilege he could imagine.”


Peter Usborne is the founder and chairman of Usborne Publishing Company. During his lifetime, he came to China for friendly exchanges and visited Beijing office of Jieli Publishing House. He handed over Usborne China project to Jieli Publishing House, which could exclusively publish Usborne China brand books in the Chinese Mainland. Until now, Usborne China has published many titles which are deeply loved by Chinese readers.


Shocked to learn of Peter’s demise, the editor-in-chief and president of Jieli Publishing House sent a condolence letter to Peter's daughter and son on behalf of the Jieli team. The contents are as follows:


Dear Nicola and Martin,


We were deeply saddened when we heard about Peter’s passing. We would like to express, on behalf of all members of Jieli Publishing House, our deepest condolences on the loss of the beloved Peter Usborne. We would also like to extend our warmest greetings to you. Please know that our sorrows, thoughts, and prayers are with you in this time of loss.


Usborne is one of the pioneers in the global publishing industry, an icon with outstanding achievements, and a great influence in the publication field. Usborne books have conveyed love and warmth to generations around the world, and play an irreplaceable role in developing the imagination and creativity of children. Usborne is already a well-known brand in China, and is a brand that is deeply loved by children and young readers.


As the founder and leader of Usborne, Peter had devoted his life to the creative publishing of children's books. His concepts and philosophies, his dedication and unwavering spirit in striving for perfection in children's books, and his sincerity and love for little readers all over the world have made Usborne the world-renowned entity it is today.


We shall miss Peter. He loved children wholeheartedly and devoted his life to them, with a crystal-like heart of innocence. Peter firmly believed that becoming a father was the greatest honor in his life, and publishing children's books was an extension of that same honor. It had been Peter's lifelong pursuit to bring high-quality children’s books to young ones all over the world. In his publishing career, he led the Usborne team and was constantly studying the psychology behind children’s reading habits, and their sense of wonder. The pages of Usborne books are brimming with love, full of delights to hold a child’s interest in the form of whimsical, colorful fantasies. To the end of his days, Peter labored for the love he hoped to share with children through books.


We shall miss Peter. He made outstanding contributions to the world of children's book publishing. When we asked him about the success of Usborne books, he told us that Usborne books are “delicious.” This publishing philosophy holds the three requirements for Usborne books: playful, entertaining, and educational. This groundbreaking and constructive concept of children's book publishing has influenced the world of children's book publishing.


We shall miss Peter. We feel a heavier responsibility on our shoulders with the loss of him. He had handed over the Usborne China to Jieli Publishing House with the hope that Usborne China would bring more reading fun to children in China. He had also expressed an expectation for Jieli Publishing House and Usborne to have a long-term friendly cooperation and common development. We are honored to take on this responsibility and live up to the expectations he had placed on us, and will do our best to make Usborne China the best it can be. We have great trust that Usborne will make steady progress and get better and better under the leadership of managing director Nicola. We are also confident that our cooperation will be long-standing and well-established as always.


We would like to extend our deepest condolences once again to you, your family, and all the colleagues at Usborne during this period of mourning. We will miss Peter forever, and his name will always be linked with every Usborne book, shining in the long river of children's books around the world.


May his gentle soul rest in peace.



Editor-in-chief Bai Bing, President Huang Jian and the Jieli Team

Jieli Publishing House Co., Ltd.


31st March 2023


责任审读:童小伟 廖思拍 贾玲云




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