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【双语】例行记者会/Regular Press Conference(2020-2-17)



2020-02-18 16:04:54



  Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Geng Shuang's

  Daily Briefing Online on February 17, 2020


  State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi will be in Vientiane, the Laos from February 19 to 21 to co-chair the Special ASEAN-China Foreign Ministers' Meeting on Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) with Foreign Secretary Teodoro Lopez Locsin of current ASEAN-China country coordinator the Philippines. Other ASEAN foreign ministers will attend the meeting.


  Invited by Foreign Minister Saleumxay Kommasith of the Laos, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi will co-chair the fifth Lancang-Mekong Cooperation Foreign Ministers' Meeting and pay a visit to the Laos.


  I'd like to share some latest numbers with you. According to this morning's update from the National Health Commission (NHC), February 16 saw 1,425 patients cured and discharged from hospital in China's mainland, bringing the total number of cured cases to 10,844.


  New confirmed cases in China excluding Hubei Province stood at 115 on February 16, marking a decline for the 13th consecutive day.


  Q: Could you talk about the background and considerations for State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi's attendance at the ASEAN-China Special Foreign Ministers' Meeting on the novel coronavirus?


  A: As close neighbors linked by mountains and rivers, China and ASEAN countries share the tradition of supporting each other through thick and thin. Back in 2003, the Special ASEAN-China Leaders Meeting on SARS was held in response to the outbreak. Since the COVID-19 epidemic broke out, China and ASEAN countries have been in close communication and collaboration. That the two sides have decided to hold a special foreign ministers' meeting within such a short period of time demonstrates our will and determination to overcome difficulties with concerted efforts.


  State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi will talk about China's strong measures on countering the epidemic and exchange in-depth views on collaboration with ASEAN counterparts to advance joint prevention and control, maintain normal economic and social exchange, and explore launching a permanent mechanism on public health cooperation. By doing so, we will safeguard the health and safety of people in regional countries and contribute to global public health.


  There will also be a China-ASEAN medical experts' meeting to be held in parallel with the foreign ministers' meeting.


  Q: The Federal Register published a notice on February 14 that the US has decided to impose sanctions on six Chinese enterprises, three Russian ones, one in Iraq and one in Turkey pursuant to its Iran, North Korea, and Syria Nonproliferation Act. I was wondering if you have any comment?

  答:中方已就此事向美方提出严正交涉。中方坚决反对美国援引国内法,对其他国家实施单边制裁和所谓的“长臂管辖”。我们敦促美方立即纠正这种错误做法,撤销所谓的制裁决定。 A: China has lodged stern representations with the US side. We firmly oppose unilateral sanctions and "long-arm jurisdiction" imposed by the US citing domestic law. We urge it to correct its mistake at once and withdraw the sanctions.

  中方一贯致力于加强国际防扩散体系,严格履行防扩散国际义务,并在相互尊重的基础上,同各方保持着交流与合作。China is committed to strengthening the international non-proliferation regime, strictly fulfilling its international obligation on non-proliferation and maintaining communication and cooperation with other countries on the basis of mutual respect.

  反观美方,在防扩散等领域执迷于单边主义,动辄实施单边制裁和所谓“长臂管辖”,严重损害别国利益,破坏解决防扩散问题、维护国际和地区和平稳定的国际努力,受到国际社会普遍反对。伊朗核问题就是一个典型的例子。我们敦促美方正视国际社会关切,切实尊重各国合法权益。By contrast, in non-proliferation and other areas, the US has been obsessed with unilateralism. It wantonly imposes unilateral sanctions and "long-arm jurisdiction" on others, which has been rejected by the international community as it severely undermines other countries' interests and international efforts to address non-proliferation issues and safeguard peace and stability. The Iranian nuclear issue is a case in point. We urge the US to face squarely the international community's concerns and earnestly respect other countries' legitimate rights and interests.

  3问:中方对此次澜湄合作外长会有什么期待?  Q: I wonder if you could share China's expectations of the upcoming Lancang-Mekong Cooperation Foreign Ministers' Meeting?答:澜湄合作是首个由流域六国共商、共建、共享的新型次区域合作机制,启动近4年来发展迅速,成效显著。中方高度重视澜湄合作,期待通过这次会议,与湄公河国家深入交流,总结合作经验,规划新的合作重点,大力推动澜湄流域经济发展带建设,共建澜湄国家命运共同体。  A: The Lancang-Mekong Cooperation (LMC) is the first new-type sub-regional framework initiated by riparian countries with extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits. Since its establishment nearly four years ago, it has been developing rapidly with remarkable outcomes. China sets great store by this mechanism. Through this meeting, we look forward to in-depth discussions with LMC countries to review past experience, identify future priorities, advance the building of an LMC economic belt and foster an LMC community with a shared future.

  4问:据报道,美国情报部门自冷战时期至2000年代初期,一直控制瑞士加密公司克里普托( Crypto AG ),向外国政府和企业出售加密机器,一边赚取数以百万计美元,一边收集重要情报。美国情报部门有办法解码该公司加密设备的相关技术,从而窃取多达120个国家的机密信息。中方对此有何评论?  Q: Reports have emerged that from the Cold War era to the early years of the 21st century, US intelligence controlled the Swiss company Crypto AG's encoding devices to spy on other countries while pocketing millions of dollars. The company sold the devices to foreign governments and companies. The machines were encrypted but US intelligence could crack the codes and intercept messages from more than 120 countries worldwide. What is your comment?答:这条新闻让人不禁想到,美国上周一以涉嫌对美国信用报告机构发动网络入侵为由,起诉了4名中国军方人士。当时,我在记者会上回应相关提问时就说过,长期以来,美国政府和有关部门违反国际法和国际关系基本准则,对外国政府、企业和个人实施大规模、有组织、无差别的网络窃密与监听、监控,这早已是世人皆知的事实。A: The new exposé reminds us of last Monday when the US indicted four Chinese military personnel on charges of hacking into an American credit reporting agency. As I responded to a related question last week, the US government and relevant departments, in violation of international law and basic norms governing international relations, have conducted large-scale, organized and indiscriminate cyber theft, tapping and surveillance on foreign governments, businesses and individuals, a fact already well-known to all.

  一个每天收集全球各地近50亿条移动电话记录、窥探德国总理默克尔手机长达十多年之久、每年控制中国境内300多万台电脑主机、向中国境内3600多个网站植入木马的国家,却把自己打扮成网络攻击的受害者,反复上演贼喊捉贼的拙劣把戏。这个国家在网络安全问题上的虚伪性早已昭然若揭,还有何信誉可言?有何颜面示人?The US, on the one hand, has been collecting nearly five billion mobile phone call records across the globe on a daily basis, eavesdropping on German Chancellor Angela Merkel's cellphone conversations for more than a decade, controlling over 3 million Chinese computers and implanting Trojan Horse in more than 3,600 Chinese websites on an annual basis. It is a tawdry trick that while doing so, it keeps playing victim of cyber attack, like a thief crying "stop thief". Its hypocrisy on the issue of cyber security could not be clearer. It has no honor and credibility to speak of in front of other countries.

  事实一再证明,美国才是全球网络空间最大的国家级监听者,是名副其实的“黑客帝国”,其监听行动已经到了肆意妄为、无法无天的地步。Facts have proven time and again that as the largest state actor of espionage in the cyber space, the US is worthy of the name of "empire of hackers". The sky's the limit with the US when it comes to spying.

  旧账未销,又添新账。对于“维基解密”、“斯诺登事件”,美国还欠世界人民一个交代;这次又曝出瑞士加密公司事件,美国应一并给国际社会一个说法。The dust has yet to settle over WikiLeaks and Snowden revelations. Explanations are still owed. Now the Crypto AG incident adds another to the tally, one more thing for the US to clarify to the world.

  5问:巴基斯坦国民议会日前通过决议,支持中国抗击新冠肺炎疫情,赞赏中国在习近平主席领导下采取有效措施来应对当前形势。你对此有何评论?  Q: Pakistan's National Assembly has passed a resolution supporting China in its battle against the new coronavirus outbreak. It also appreciated China's effective measures under the leadership of President Xi Jinping to deal with the situation. What's your comment?答:中方高度赞赏巴方通过有关决议。中巴是亲密邻邦,有互帮互助的优良传统。巴方通过有关决议再次充分体现中巴两国人民患难与共的真情,也再次证明中巴是同舟共济、守望相助的命运共同体。对于巴方的这份信任和信心,我们深表感谢。A: China highly commends Pakistan for passing the resolution. China and Pakistan are close neighbors with a fine tradition of mutual assistance. This resolution once again fully demonstrates how the Chinese and Pakistani people share weal and woe, and once again proves that China and Pakistan are a community with a shared future. We stand together in times of difficulty and render mutual assistance to each other. We are deeply grateful for Pakistan's trust and confidence in us.

  我们愿同包括巴方在内的国际社会加强合作,共同应对疫情,促进全球公共卫生事业。我们也愿本着高度负责的态度,同巴方加强沟通协作,维护好巴基斯坦在华侨民的健康和安全。We are ready to strengthen cooperation with the international community including Pakistan to jointly tackle the epidemic and promote global public health. We also stand ready to strengthen communication and coordination with Pakistan in a highly responsible manner to safeguard the health and safety of Pakistanis in China.



  Q: ASEAN issued a chairman's statement on February 15 expressing support for China's efforts against the NCP (COVID-19). I wonder if you have any comment?答:中方注意到东盟发表主席声明,对中国政府和人民为应对疫情作出的巨大努力表示支持,强调维持经济和边界开放的一贯政策。A: China noted that in the chairman's statement ASEAN countries expressed support for the Chinese government and people in their tremendous endeavors to counter the outbreak of COVID-19, and affirmed their consistent policies of maintaining their economies and borders open.

  国和东盟国家有守望相助、患难与共的传统。新冠肺炎疫情发生以来,双方一直保持密切沟通与合作。20日,双方还将举行关于新冠肺炎问题的特别外长会,就携手应对疫情深入交换意见,共同维护地区人民的健康安全。China and ASEAN countries have the tradition of mutual assistance in times of adversity. Since the outbreak of the epidemic, the two sides have been in close communication and cooperation. On February 20, the two sides will hold the Special ASEAN-China Foreign Ministers' Meeting on Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) to exchange in-depth views on jointly fighting against the epidemic to safeguard regional health security.

  7问:疫情发生以来,广大华侨华人一直在为支援中国抗击疫情忙碌着。有人认为这是中国政府在海外动员的结果。你怎么看?  Q: Since the epidemic broke out, overseas Chinese have been actively providing support to China. Some say this is the result of mobilization efforts of the Chinese government. What do you say to this?答:扶危济困、互帮互助素来是中华民族的优良传统。天涯海角隔不开海外侨胞的赤子之心,万水千山斩不断血浓于水的同胞之情。A: It is a noble Chinese tradition to always extend a helping hand to those in need. For people with Chinese roots, even if they are living at the other end of the world, their hearts are with the motherland.

  连日来,海外华侨华人纷纷主动联系中国驻外使领馆,表达对祖(籍)国人民的深切关爱和支持。旅居200多个国家和地区的广大海外侨胞自发组织起来,以各种方式和渠道伸出援手,助力祖(籍)国抗击疫情。Many overseas Chinese, whether with Chinese or foreign citizenship, have been contacting our embassies and consulates to express care and support. With their efforts, assistance in various means have poured in from over 200 countries and regions to help fight the virus.

  一位一生节俭的98岁老华侨掏出100美金捐给武汉,遗憾的是,第二天这位老人家就去世了;一位侨胞,为了组织募捐活动,在零下二三十度的室外忙得汗流浃背;几个刚毕业的年轻华人,在被告知物资清关时必须要留名时,在捐赠人姓名处留下“中华儿女”四个字;还有很多华人子女在学校发起募捐,连同自己的压岁钱全部捐给祖籍国。One day before passing away, a 98-year-old Chinese who lived a frugal life donated 100 US dollars to Wuhan. We saw another working up a sweat in a freezing temperature organizing a fund-raising event. Several newly-graduates, when told donors' names are needed to clear customs, wrote down the words: daughters and sons of the Chinese nation. At fundraisers on campus, one student after another donated their gift money to help the motherland.

  海外华侨华人纷纷表示,愿为祖(籍)国抗击疫情全力提供帮助。我们为海外侨胞对祖(籍)国最真实、最朴素的情感所深深打动,对他们的无私支持和慷慨援助表示由衷的赞赏与感谢。So many have stated the same readiness to do their utmost to help. We are deeply moved by their genuine and heartfelt compassion, and commend and appreciate their selfless support and generous assistance.

  越是在困难面前,越能体现出一个民族的凝聚力和战斗力。我们坚信,有中国政府的坚强领导,有中国人民的团结一心,有海内外中华儿女的共同努力,有国际社会的理解支持,我们一定能早日打赢这场疫情防控阻击战。Adversity reveals a nation's cohesion and fighting spirit like nothing else. We have every confidence that with the strong leadership of the Chinese government, the solidarity of the Chinese people, the joint efforts of all Chinese decedents, and the understanding and support of the international community, we will prevail over the epidemic at an early date.



  Q: Do you think this epidemic will affect China's trade, cooperation projects and cultural exchange with countries participating in the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)? If so, what have you done to counter these impacts?答:新冠肺炎疫情确实给中国经济发展和对外交往带来一些挑战。但是,这些挑战是阶段性和暂时性的。中国经济有强劲韧性、潜力和活力,中国有信心和能力打赢疫情阻击战。 A: The outbreak has indeed posed a challenge to China's economy and foreign exchange. But it is only temporary. The Chinese economy has great resilience, potential and vitality. We have the confidence and capacity to defeat the virus.

  疫情发生后,很多“一带一路”合作伙伴从政治上和物质上向中方提供了积极支持和帮助。我们对此表示赞赏和感谢,愿同各方继续推进高质量共建“一带一路”,并共同努力克服在推进合作中遇到的困难。  We appreciate and laud the political and material assistance from BRI partners after the epidemic broke out. We will continue to work with them for high-quality BRI cooperation while jointly overcoming difficulties on the way ahead.



  Q: There have been more confirmed cases of COVID-19 across Japan. An expert panel there believes that the country is in the early stage of an outbreak and it is becoming more difficult to control its spread. The Japanese government made it clear that the epidemic has reached a new stage and it will adjust approach and strengthen prevention and control measures. How do you comment on the spread of the disease in Japan? Will China step up cooperation with Japan? Are you prepared to offer support or assistance?答:中方正密切关注日本国内新冠肺炎疫情发展,我们对此感同身受。 A: China is closely following the developments in Japan, and we completely relate to what they are going through.

  疫情无国界,人间有真情。国际社会特别是邻国之间理应加强合作,携手应对这一挑战。日本政府和社会各界迄今为中国抗击疫情提供了真诚友善的支持和帮助,中方对此铭记在心,深表感谢。尽管当前中国国内疫情形势依然严峻,但我们愿在努力抗击本国疫情的同时,进一步同日方分享信息和经验,并根据日方需要,积极向日方提供力所能及的支持和帮助。事实上,双方已经着手开展这方面的具体工作。  Virus knows no border, but the worst of times reveals the best in people. Stronger international cooperation, especially between neighbors, is needed to jointly tackle this challenge. The Japanese government and people from all walks of life have offered sincere support and assistance to China. We will never forget this and is deeply grateful. The situation in China is still severe. While making strenuous efforts to counter the epidemic at home, we stand ready to share further information and experience with Japan and assist it to the best of our capabilities as the need arises. In fact, specific arrangements are already being made in this regard.

  我们愿同日方继续保持沟通协调,加强防疫合作,共同维护两国人民的生命安全和身体健康,维护地区和世界的公共卫生安全。  We will remain in close communication and coordination with Japan and strengthen cooperation in epidemic control to jointly protect lives and health of our peoples and uphold regional and global public health security.



  Q: NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg told State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi in a meeting on February 14 that although China has achieved rapid development, NATO does not see China as an adversary and stands ready to strengthen relations with it. What is your comment?答:王毅国务委员会见斯托尔滕贝格的情况,我们已经发了消息稿,你可以去查阅。 A: We've already issued a press release on State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi's meeting with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg. You may refer to it.

  我要强调,中国坚持和平发展与合作共赢,始终奉行防御性国防战略,与北约成员不存在地缘矛盾和竞争。中方赞赏斯托尔滕贝格秘书长关于不把中国作为对手的表态,注意到北约加强同中方关系的意愿。I want to stress that China is committed to peaceful development and win-win cooperation and adheres to a national defense policy that is defensive in nature. There is no geopolitical conflict or competition between China and NATO members. We appreciate Secretary General Stoltenberg's remarks that NATO does not see China as an adversary, and note NATO's readiness to enhance ties with China.

  我们希望北约继续树立正确的中国观,把中国作为朋友和伙伴。中方愿在平等和相互尊重基础上不断加强同北约的对话与合作。  We hope that NATO will continue to foster a correct view of China and regard it as a friend and partner. China stands ready to strengthen dialogue and cooperation with NATO on the basis of equality and mutual respect.



  Q: Can you confirm that the rule requiring a 14-day quarantine for anyone returning to Beijing also applies to foreigners and people traveling from overseas? If so, can you share any details about how this will be enforced and the consequences of breaking it? Another question, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu said after talks with Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Sunday that China should not label all Muslim ethnic Uighurs as terrorists. Does China have a response to his comments?答:关于第一个问题,北京新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情防控工作领导小组办公室已发布相关通知,具体情况请向北京市有关方面了解。 A: On your first question, the Leading Group of Beijing New Coronavirus Pneumonia Epidemic Prevention and Control Office has issued an announcement. I would refer you to the competent authorities of Beijing for details.

  关于第二个问题,有关王毅国务委员出席慕安会期间会见查武什奥卢外长的消息,中方已经发布了消息稿,你可以查阅。  On you second question, China has issued a press release on State Councilor Wang Yi's meeting with Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu on the sidelines of the MSC. You can look it up.

  我要指出的是,中国奉行民族区域自治制度,坚持各民族一律平等,各民族共同繁荣发展,保障少数民族合法权益。涉疆问题根本不是什么人权和宗教问题,而是反分裂和反暴恐问题。新疆采取的反恐和去极端化举措切实保障了新疆各族人民群众的生存权、发展权,也得到包括伊斯兰国家在内的国际社会的普遍认可。  I want to stress that China follows a system of regional autonomy for ethnic minorities. All ethnic groups are equal and pursue prosperity and development together with their legal rights and interests guaranteed. Issues about Xinjiang are never about human rights or religion. They are about countering separatism and violent terrorism. The counter-terrorism and de-radicalization measures Xinjiang has taken have effectively protected the right to subsistence and development of all ethnic groups there and have won general approval from the international community including Islamic countries.



  Q: Media say WTO experts arrived in Beijing yesterday and held the first meeting with Chinese experts. Can you confirm that and tell us who are on the foreign expert panel? Are there any American experts? Which three provinces will the joint mission visit?答:据我了解,中国—世界卫生组织新型冠状病毒肺炎联合专家考察组的外方专家已经陆续抵京,考察组已经开始有关活动。考察组包括来自美国的专家,将赴北京、广东、四川开展现场考察。 A: As far as I know, the foreign experts in the China-WHO Joint Mission have arrived in Beijing and started their work. There are experts from the US in the mission. They will conduct field trips in Beijing, Guangdong and Sichuan.

  具体情况,请你向国家卫健委询问。  As for the details, I would refer you to the NHC.



  Q: US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Secretary of Defense Mark Esper lambasted China's social system and domestic and foreign policy at the 56th Munich Security Conference, leveling groundless accusations on issues including Taiwan, Hong Kong, and the South China Sea, and alleging Chinese infiltration in US federal and local governments. What's your comment?答:美国务卿蓬佩奥、国防部长埃斯珀在慕尼黑安全会议期间大肆攻击抹黑中国共产党和中国的政治制度及内外政策,向全世界散布政治谎言,流露出十足的无知、偏见和虚伪,但世界人民不是那么容易被蒙骗的。正如王毅国务委员兼外长在慕尼黑安全会议上当场指出的,美方所有针对中国的指责都是谎言,都不是事实。 A: Secretary Pompeo and Secretary Esper went all out to discredit the CPC, China's political system and domestic and foreign policy at the Munich Security Conference. These attempts to spread political falsehoods to the world reveal their shocking ignorance, prejudice and hypocrisy. But people are not to be fooled so easily. Just as State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi refuted then and there, all the US accusations against China are lies, not facts.

  我想强调,中国坚持走中国特色社会主义道路,并已取得巨大成功。中国共产党的领导是中国特色社会主义最本质的特征,这是历史和人民的选择。中国人民将坚定不移沿着这条道路走下去,并将不断取得更大辉煌。任何人都不要幻想阻挡中国人民前进的步伐。  I want to stress that China follows the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics and has achieved enormous success. The leadership of the CPC, its defining feature, is a historical choice made by the Chinese people. We will stay true to it and forge ahead for greater progress. Anyone seeking to stand in our way should think twice.

  中国在和平共处五项基本原则基础上与各国发展友好关系,同时坚定捍卫国家主权和正当的安全、发展利益。台湾、香港等事务纯属中国内政,不容任何外部势力干涉。中方对南海诸岛及其附近海域拥有的主权具有充分的历史和法理依据,同时我们坚持通过对话协商同有关直接当事方解决分歧。蓬佩奥等人在这些问题上颠倒黑白,造谣诬蔑,目的是要干涉中国内政,阻挠中国稳定和发展,挑拨中国同其他国家关系,这种图谋注定不会得逞。  China follows the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence when developing friendly state-to-state relations. At the same time, we resolutely defend our sovereignty and legitimate security and development interests. Taiwan and Hong Kong are purely domestic affairs that allow no foreign interference. Chinese sovereignty over Nansha Islands and relevant waters are supported by ample historical and legal basis. That being said, we stand for resolving differences through dialogue and consultation by parties directly concerned. Mr. Pompeo and others confused right and wrong and made up lies in an attempt to interfere in China's internal affairs, disrupt its stability and development, and poison its relations with other countries. Such tricks are bound to fail.

  中方一贯按照国际法和中美双边协议行事,与美各级政府交往旨在促进两国相互了解、交流与合作,合理合法、光明磊落、无可非议。  China always acts in accordance with international law and bilateral agreements with the US when interacting with US governments at all levels, the purpose of which is to promote mutual understanding, exchange and cooperation, thus legitimate, lawful, open, aboveboard, and beyond reproach.

  这是蓬佩奥先生一周之内第3次公开发表涉华消极言论。无论他走到哪里,都要喋喋不休地攻击和抹黑中国。这些言行不是一个21世纪大国国务卿应有的做法,更像出自于一个仍然生活在冷战时代的政客。我们敦促蓬佩奥之流摒弃冷战零和思维和意识形态偏见,停止诬蔑攻击中国政治制度和内外政策,停止干扰破坏两国正常交往与合作,把精力放在做一些与其国务卿身份相符的事情上。  This is the third time in a week that Mr. Pompeo has made negative comments on China. He would keep up the anti-China rattle wherever he goes. This is hardly what one expects in a secretary of state of a major country in the 21st century. Rather it would fit the behavior of a politician in the Cold War era better. We advise Mr. Pompeo and his likes to discard their zero-sum and Cold War mindset and ideological prejudice, stop attacking China's political system and domestic and foreign policies, stop undermining normal exchange and cooperation, and focus more on tasks befitting his role as secretary of state.






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